JCSSE2023 Student Travel Grants

The JCSSE2023 Student Travel Grants Program is pleased to support student authors who will be attending the JCSSE2023 conference. If you are a student author of an accepted JCSSE2023 paper, we encourage you to apply!
On a competitive basis, JCSSE2023 offers TWO student grants of 10,000 Baht each, to students who have registered and authored or co-authored an accepted peer-reviewed paper for the conference and will be participating in person at the conference. These grants encourage participation by students who would normally find it difficult to attend. Postgraduate or graduate students are especially encouraged to apply. No more than one student per institution will be supported. No postdocs, faculty, or other senior research personnel may be supported by the grant. These student grants will enable the sharing of scientific information and will stimulate the research interests of students in the field of computer science and information technology.


  1. Each applicant must be an author or co-author of an accepted paper in JCSSE2023, and who register, attend in person, and present the paper at the conference AND
  2. Each applicant must be a student of the university that is cited as the student's affiliated university on the accepted paper at the time he/she applies for the grant AND
  3. Each applicant must be a full-time student (Thai or overseas) registered toward a Bachelor, Master, or Ph.D. degree in computer science, engineering or a related field in that affiliated institution when submitting the application AND
  4. During the expense reimbursement stage, the student applicant must show proof of having registered to attend JCSSE2023.


Please submit your application request on the Student Travel Grant Form with full personal and contact details as requested on the form. You are also requested, on the form, to provide a brief statement that fully justifies your travel grant application. This document must be the PDF format.
>> Download: Travel Grant Application (PDF file)


A letter on official letterhead from the student's advisor is mandatory. The letter must affirm that the student requires support to attend the conference and that no other sources of support are available. Other background material — where the student is in their research, particular benefits to the student of attending the conference, why he/she needs this grant etc., — will make the application stronger. The letter must be in the form of a PDF. Only one grant per institution will be awarded.


  1. A copy of the acceptance letter of the article from JCSSE2023, in which a student is a co-author.
  2. A copy of the email confirmed that he/she registered for JCSSE2023.
  3. A copy of the student certificate, which is issued by the student's university.


Applications will be reviewed by members of the committee. The evaluation criteria include the student's need and lack of alternatives, the opportunity for the attendee to improve the diversity of the conference, and the benefits to the student of attending the conference.


  • Application deadline: Sun, June 8th, 2023
  • Notification of Acceptance: Mon, June, 12th, 2023

>> JCSSE2023 Sponsors: